First Morgan and now Lolita have won the BiLLe Celebrity Charity Challenge. Voted by the public, as charities worth supporting, the Free Morgan Foundation and the Orca Network have now each won €25,000. In an unprecedented back-to-back coup, both organisations are celebrated here with an endearing cartoon drawn by FMF supporter Lee Harrison. The FMF and the Orca Network both work towards removing individual orca from the demeaning ‘wet circus’ lives they currently lead.
Both orca were captured from the wild, but Lolita, originally known as Tokitae has been in captivity for more than 40 years. However, researchers still know her family and the Orca Network has selected a cove which is ideal for her rehabilitation and possible release back to her family. There are more details about her retirement and rehabilitation on their page about Lolita/Tokitae.
Our heart-felt thanks go out to everyone who voted for Sam Simon and now for Robin Williams – you have made a difference and we will continue to fight to help these and other orca who need our help.