2014 vs 2015 for Morgan

The Free Morgan Foundation has been maintaining a website since shortly after Morgan was captured.  Some of the archival material is available here.  The more current updates appear on each page.

We haven’t given up on Morgan and continue to strive to get her out of Loro Parque.

Because we assume that the cetacean captivity industry are monitoring this website we have been keeping a low profile with the progress that we have made (and yes, there is progress). We hope that this effort will bring about some much needed changes for Morgan.   Please continue to spread the word about her plight and the sad issues that all captive orca have to face on a daily basis. – from the Free Morgan Foundation team.


4 thoughts on “2014 vs 2015 for Morgan”

  1. Great to see a new update. Lets hope 2015 will bring good news for Morgan and all captive whales.

  2. Thank you for the update. May creator watch over Morgan until she can be safely and joyfully reunited with her family.

  3. I am going to do poster and hang up around all my village to get many firms to free Morgan. I am in Madrid, very far of Morgan but I thing that Morgan need help of all the world. Free Morgan!

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