Lawyer and ocean advocate Matthew Spiegl spoke with Jean-Michel Cousteau (Ocean Futures Society) about Morgan at the BLUE Ocean Film Festival which took place during the last week of September.
Spiegl writes, “Jean-Michel also wanted to talk about an issue that is very personal to him and his Ocean Futures Society — Morgan, an orca whale who was captured on June 23, 2010 and has been in captivity since.
When the discussion turned to this young female orca, there was a noticeable change in Jean-Michel’s voice. Although always passionate, there is a profound sense of urgency when he speaks of Morgan. Having spent over four years fighting to free another orca named Keiko from captivity; Jean-Michel is frustrated that we are still having this discussion about captive marine animals performing “circus acts” for humans in 2012.”
“We need to put Morgan back in the ocean. We need to get off our ass and campaign as far as we can with as many people as we can to convince the judges, the people who are making the decision in Amsterdam on the first of November, and I’m planning on being there and as many people who can join, to show the world, the legal world that there is a growing number of people, that we are able to have a voice,” says Cousteau.
Spiegl also spoke with Dr. Ingrid Visser (Orca Research Trust) who is on the Free Morgan Foundation expert board, who gave the him a “quick education on orcas and filled [him] in on the details about Morgan, explaining that she was not stranded and rescued – but that she was captured and taken”.
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