Morgan Videos
Film makers from around the world have recognised Morgan’s plight. There have been a number of videos produced that discuss & provide information about Morgan’s situation. These range from short (2 min) PSA’s to 70+ minute documentaries. We provide a selection of these below and thank all those who have spoken out for Morgan.
The Investigative TV show Zembla produced a Dutch documentary mini-series (Part 1 screened 28 October and Part 2 screened 04 November) about Morgan and her situation as of October 2021.
Following the succes of the Dutch version and the interest it garnered, the mini-series was translated into English and merged into a single 70+ minute documentary which Zembla hosted on their online Channel on 18 November 2021.
PSA’s used to be mostly radio messages, but now they typically use videos/short film formats. They are created with public interest in mind and are disseminated by the media without charge. Their objective is to raise awareness and to change attitudes and behavior towards a social issue.
They are a great way to communicate, as no matter where they are screened they have a way of portraying messages across languages, age groups, cultural groups and different genres of audiences.
Here are just a few about Morgan to illustrate the support that she is receiving from exceptionally talented teams.
Independent Film Makers

A group of independent film makers cleverly crafted a short film (just over 4 minutes long) for distribution on the internet. In the spirit of ‘freeing Morgan’, they have provided the film for free to anyone who wishes to view or screen it for educational purposes. Giving the unique point-of-view as if it was Morgan filming the story, it has been labelled as ‘inspirational’ and won numerous awards. To read more about it, please see the webpage ‘I Am Morgan ~ Stolen Freedom’. In in 2021 these same film makers produced a 2 minute update which has been well received.
Fair Projects
Tim Watters, founder of ‘Fair Projects‘ has produced a number of PSA’s for the Free Morgan Foundation to use at venues around the world and to help educate people about the plight of Morgan. These PSA’s have featured at large concerts and on the internet.
Underdog Entertainment
A ‘Free Morgan‘ PSA premiered at the Blue Ocean Film Festival in Monteray Bay, California, USA in 2013. Portraying the situation of Morgan to be like that of a little human girl, alone, hungry and made to perform like a circus-freak, this PSA, at just over 2 minutes long was Directed, Produced and Edited by Daniel Azarian of Underdog Entertainment. It has been captioned in English (featured below) as well as in Espanol (Spanish), Nederlands (Dutch), French and German.
Daniel has also created other PSA’s to speak out against keeping ceatceans (whales, dolphins & porpoises) in captivity and a short film ‘A Day in the Life of Lolita‘, featuring Dr Ingrid N. Visser, co-founder of the FMF.
Many of our supporters, Directors and Expert Board members give talks that are either focused specifically on Morgan, or feature her plight.
Free Morgan Foundation – Dr Ingrid Visser Speaking at Whalefest 2012
We have conducted a number of interviews over the years. Here is one with Will Travers (OBE) of the Born Free Foundation and Dr Ingrid Visser filmed in December 2013, in the UK.
Born Free Foundation’s Will Travers interviews Dr Ingrid Visser
Springer’s Rehabilitation and Release Videos
Springer the Orca Documantary Part 1
Springer the Orca Documantary Part 2
Springer the Orca Documantary Part 3
Other Orca Videos
A Better Way to See Orcas
Keiko The Untold Story Trailer